The Taxpayer First Act (the Act) of 2019 was signed into law on July 1, 2019. The bill, having gone through a few changes on its way to the president’s desk, passed with bipartisan support – a rare thing in Washington these days. The law aims to reform the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by making …
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The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) made many changes to the Internal Revenue Code. While many were widely discussed, businesses should know other provisions that may affect the taxable income computations on federal tax returns. Gross Receipts Test More small businesses will be eligible to use the overall cash method of accounting since the …
Read More...There has been some recent legislation that significantly changes Ohio income tax laws for the 2019 tax year. We’ve summarized the changes that impact most individuals. All income tax rates have been reduced by 4%. The lowest three brackets are combined into one zero bracket. So taxpayers with taxable nonbusiness income of $21,750 or less …
Read More...Navigating retirement planning can be challenging but it is crucial especially as life expectancy in the U.S. steadily increases. To address the need for our wealth to finish the race with us, the House recently passed the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act. This legislation, receiving almost unanimous bipartisan support, offers the …
Read More...Under the new tax law, a vehicle provided to an employee for personal use is subject to income tax obligations. Personal use of a company car is considered a noncash fringe benefit that is taxable. If an employer provides an employee with a vehicle that is available for business and personal use, the value of …
Read More...What does your tax return say about your financial situation? The fact is, the paperwork you file each year offers excellent information about how you are managing your money—and highlights areas where it might be wise to make changes in your financial habits. If you have questions about your financial situation, we can help. Our …
Read More...The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers to review their 2019 tax withholding using the IRS Withholding Calculator and make any changes with their employer as soon as possible. This is especially true for anyone who adjusted their withholding during the middle or later parts of 2018. That’s because a mid-year withholding change, only affecting part …
Read More...The Qualified Opportunity Zone Program will only work if investors can confidently follow the breadcrumbs to their prize. Regulatory confusion has kept many investors paralyzed in uncertainty. In the update below, we provide an overview of the highly sought-after guidance, which was released by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the US Treasury Department on …
Read More...The Opportunity Zone Provision gives taxpayers an option to defer recognized capital gains by investing in a Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund (QOZF). The Opportunity Zones provision is based on the bipartisan Investing in Opportunity Act, which defines Opportunity Zones (OZ) as low-income census tracts that have been nominated by governors and certified by the U.S. …
Read More...Much of today’s workforce is part of a growing gig economy. According to a study by Intuit Inc., by 2020 40% of the American labor market will be considered independent contractors. Contract employment can have many perks such as safeguarding a business against the high cost of benefits, office space and taxes. Becoming an independent …